Need a DPS Third Party Road Test in Texas Today?
Same day Or next Road Test Fee: $80. 1 attempt included – Each additional attempt will be $40. You may use your own vehicle or use ours at $25.00 extra charge.
This is a premium service for who need very urgent or immediate road test service . Our normal road Testing fee is $70.
Must allow 24 hours between attempts.
- Age 16 & up (Has taken Teen Class (DE or PT Form) or 6 hours Adult Permit Class or taken Permit Test at DPS.
- Must have a valid Texas learner license (Learners Permit).
- Completed Impact Texas Driver Program (ITTD)if you completed a 32 hour classroom course or (ITYD) for those completing a 6 hour adult class or are over the age of 24. Print the completion certificate and bring on the day of the Road Test.
To Register – Use the calendar to view available dates and times. Payment must be completed in order to confirm your appointment.
There are no Refunds or reschedules. Failure to have the proper documentation or a vehicle capable of passing inspection is a failure.
Call office at (214) 310-5000 if you have any question or like to request any specific date or time.
Steps to follow
- You must have a valid Pictured B restricted Texas driver license (Learners License).
- Anyone taking a driving skills test MUST present their ITYD or ITTD completion certificate together with any required driver education certificates.
- Be on Time. Preferably try t be 15 minutes early, late arrivals will not be allowed.
- If using your own vehicle: Valid Insurance Card (paper or electronic allowed). The car used for the test must have a current registration sticker on the windshield and proper license plates on the car. It is State law that a car registered in the state of Texas MUST have a metal front and back license plate ON the exterior of the car unless there is a valid Texas Buyer’s paper plate for a recently purchased vehicle.
- Drive Safe provides third-party road testing, but only the Texas Department of Public Safety can issue a drivers license. Once you test is done, You will still need to take a picture at the DPS to actually have a Texas Drivers License.